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Shawn Lange


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Get In Touch

If you have any questions about our plans or Medicare in general, give Richard a call. He'd be glad to offer useful information, insights, and advice.

Overview of Services

(Click on photo for more information)
  • New To Medicare
    Will you be turning 65 soon, and becoming eligible for Medicare benefits? Would you like to know how it works, and what your options are to get the most benefits for the least amount of expenses? Get in touch for an understanding of how Medicare works and the options available to you.

  • On Medicare
    Whether you've just enrolled at 65 or you've been on Medicare for years, we’re happy to show you what sets a Medicare Advantage apart from Original Medicare. Since everyone's situation is different and updates to Medicare benefits occur every year, it's always best to speak with a trusted, independent Medicare specialist that can review all your current options and present them to you before making any decisions. We’re always here to assist you whether it be before, during, or after you've made an enrollment decision.

  • Assisted Living
    If you are concerned about the possibility of needing home nursing or assisted living care at sometime in the future, you're definitely not alone! Having enough money to pay for it can be a daunting prospect, especially for those who've had a loved one that had to find the finances to pay for years of caregiving at home or in a facility. We’re happy to show you how you can protect yourself and the ones you love to be sure that, should the time come, you don't run out of money or become a burden on your children. Nowadays, there are many ways that you can implement this type of protection. If you're not currently informed of all those options, we're happy to review them with you. Just reach out to us when you're ready.

  • Final Expenses
    To save money while providing your family with the funds to pay for your own funeral expenses, get in touch with us to learn how you can guarantee that your family will have tax free cash to pay your Final Expenses at a 40% to 60% discount. Run a quick quote (above) or get in touch with us for a more thorough quote comparison.

  • Retirement Savings & Family Legacy
    If you’re looking for a comprehensive strategy that provides for a lifetime of financial security, including easily accessible cash reserves and tax free retirement income, but without investment risk - get in touch with us to get a quick overview of how we're able save, grow, and protect your savings, in conjunction with interest-bearing accreditations, to provide you with a lifetime of peace of mind and financial protection for your loved ones.

  • Retirement Income Protection
    If you are saving and investing money for retirement - and you are at all concerned with market risk or the safety of your money - get in touch with us for an overview on understanding how retirement contracts work, see how we’re able to leverage the IRS tax code on your behalf, and guarantee your financial protection without being exposed to any of the risk along the way.

Book With Shawn
More Information

Free Downloads

New to Medicare..or Social Security? Download these free guides that provide a detailed overview of each subject. Once you do, we'll follow up with you to see if you have any questions or concerns.

"Medicare Basics" Guide

Click on image to download

"Claiming Social Security" Guide

Click on image to download

"Medicare And You 2019" Guide

Click on image to download

Get In Touch

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